Lenka Slavikova
Action ChairJ. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic

Thomas Hartmann
Action Vice-ChairWageningen University, The Netherlands

Nejc Bezak
WG1 LeaderUniversity of Ljubljana Slovenia

Sally Priest
WG2 LeaderFlood Hazard Research Center United Kingdom

Dennis Collentine
WG3 LeaderUniversity of Gavle Sweden

Barbara Warner
STSM CoordinatorAcademy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) Germany

Antje Bornschein
WG1 co-LeaderTechnische Universitat Dresden Germany

Arthur Schindelegger
WG2 co-LeaderTU Wien Vienna Austria

Kristina Veidemane
WG3 co-leaderBaltic Environmental Forum Latvia

Johan Barstad
Communication ManagerCenter for Innovative Urban-, Industrial- and Social Development Norway