LAND4FLOOD calls and up-dates
Paper: Combining Flood Risk Mitigation and Carbon Sequestration to Optimize Sustainable Land Management Schemes: Experiences from the Middle-Section of Hungary’s Tisza River
Title: Combining Flood Risk Mitigation and Carbon Sequestration to Optimize Sustainable Land Management Schemes: Experiences from the Middle-Section of Hungary’s Tisza River Abstract The record floods experienced along the Tisza River between 1998 and 2001 brought a paradigm shift in infrastructural solutions for flood protection. A flood peak polder system was built for transient water storage […]
Paper: Identifying barriers for nature-based solutions in flood risk management: An interdisciplinary overview using expert community approach
Title: Identifying barriers for nature-based solutions in flood risk management: An interdisciplinary overview using expert community approach Abstract The major event that hit Europe in summer 2021 reminds society that floods are recurrent and among the costliest and deadliest natural hazards. The long-term flood risk management (FRM) efforts preferring sole technical measures to prevent and mitigate floods […]
CountrySide Magazine: Taking land seriously in spatial flood risk management
In cooperation with European Landowner Organization (ELO), we prepared the information about key LAND4FLOOD policy recommendations. The information was published in September/October 2021 issue. Read it HERE.
LAND4FLOOD COST Action forms new IWRA Task Force
The COST Action ended successfully in March 2022. To continue networking activities it has been turned into new a IWRA Task Force, LAND4FLOOD. For more information click here. If you are interested in joining the Task Force, send your CV and motivation to the with the subject line: LAND4FLOOD Task Force.
Book: Spatial Flood Risk Management: Implementing Catchment-based Retention and Resilience on Private Land
Title: Spatial Flood Risk Management: Implementing Catchment-based Retention and Resilience on Private Land Content: Centralising the role of land and landowners, Spatial Flood Risk Management brings together knowledge from socio-economy, public policy, hydrology, geomorphology, and engineering to establish an interdisciplinary knowledge base on spatial approaches to managing flood risks. The final LAND4FLOOD COST Action book brings together […]
Lena in Dortmund (1 May – 30 June 2022)
Lena Junger (Austria, supported by the HR21 Doctoral School, BOKU Vienna) will spend two months at TU Dortmund working together with Thomas Hartmann and Peter Davids on the topic of resilient recovery. The aim is to conduct interviews with stakeholders involved in the recovery process after the extreme flood events in July 2021 in Germany. […]