Stakeholder workshop in Edinburgh

16-17 May 2019. Workshop brought experts together from around the world to discuss the challenges and opportunities of funding, designing, implementing, maintaining and monitoring the effectiveness of nature-based features as part of flood risk management plans. It also provided the opportunity to visit either a Scottish (Eddleston Water) or English (Belford Burn) field site where nature-based […]

Workshop Report: NBS for flood retention in Southern Europe

Southern Mediterranean countries are exposed to increasing environmental challenges. Grey infrastructures have been used over the last decades to manage storm water and mitigate floods. Nature-based solutions (NBS), however, provide additional runoff storage/infiltration capacity relevant to address climate change impacts on future floods, while support other ecosystem services. The workshop aimed to facilitate knowledge exchange between […]

Peter in Vienna

(28 January – 10 February 2019) Peter Davids (Belgium) spent two weeks at BOKU Vienna to collect data about the Austrian floodlabel institutional framework. This was done via interviews with flood risk experts with the support of Dr. Thomas Thaler. A floodlabel for houses is currently in development to encourage adaptive behavior of private homeowners. This […]

Weronika in Ústí

(20 January – 14 February 2019) Weronika Warachowska (Poland) came to Ústí nad Labem in Czechia to work on the join research paper on relations between flood risk perception and individual flood mitigation measures undertaken. Her goal was to analyze survey data from two Czech flood prone municipalities. She was supported by Assoc. Profs. Pavel […]

Laszlo in Vienna

7 January – 2 February 2019 Laszlo van der Wal (The Netherlands) with the support of Dr. Lukas Löschner (BOKU Vienna) investigated the degradation of existing hydraulic infrastructures and the dynamics of their renovation or replacement  at Vienna’s Donau (Danube river). The understanding of how (hydraulic) infrastructures interact with geology, socio-cultural or institutional aspects is […]

IWRA Policy Brief 3/2019

Title: Compensation for Flood Storage Key policy messages:  – Vulnerable downstream areas benefit from upstream flood retention services. – Flood storage is land intensive. It often infringes on private land use rights. – Compensating for flood storage requires mechanisms that link those who provide flood retention services and those who benefit from them. Language mutations: PORTUGUESE […]

Safira in Utrecht

3 October – 30 December 2018 Safira de la Sala (Izrael) worked with Prof. Marleen van Rijswick (Head of the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law, the Netherlands) on the Dutch case study developed within her dissertation titled “Property Rights in the Climate Change Era: Comparative Analyses of Responses to Sea-Level Rise”. Join paper with […]

Paris Conference

13 – 15 March 2019 In the cooperation with the Samuel Rufat from the University of Cergy-Pontoise LAND4FLOOD COST Action organizes European Conference on Risk Perception, Behaviour, Management and Response in Paris. See the enclosed Conference Programme. You can see the full conference report here.

Workshop Report: Compensation Mechanism for Flood Storage

Flood storage is an effective but also land intensive approach for alleviating flood risk. Governance approaches are needed to balance costs and benefits by involving both the providers and the beneficiaries of flood retention services. The workshop in Salzburg explored the issue of compensation for flood storage based on two Austrian flood retention projects. Results […]

David in Ljubljana

15th – 23rd December 2018 David Ch. Finger (Iceland) visited colleagues in Slovenia to investigate the perception of local farmers of adhering to a sustainable land management in order to increase the flood retention on their lands. Together with Vesna Zupanc he planned survey with farmers to produce comparative data sets from Iceland, Slovenia, Serbia and Bosna and Herzegovina. Preliminary […]