Paper in Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health on urban NBS in East Africa

Title: Nature-based solutions for flood-drought risk mitigation in vulnerable urbanizing parts of East-Africa Abstract Urbanization and climate changes have direct impacts on ecosystems and the services they provide to society, thus influencing human well-being and health. Urban sprawl may conflict with ecosystem services, e.g. enhancing water-related stresses and risks of, e.g., droughts and floods, with significant […]

South-European regional workshop in Coimbra

  30 January – 1 February 2019.  Regional stakeholder workshop Nature based solutions for flood retention in Southern Europe was organized by Carla S. Ferreira and Sandra J. M. Mourato from  in Coimbra (Portugal). The workshop aimed to facilitate knowledge exchange between researchers, practitioners and stakeholders, including flood policy makers, representatives from farmers’ associations, regional flood protection agencies/enterprises and local […]

Regional stakeholder workshop in Salzburg

15th – 16th October 2018 Lukas Löschner (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna) and Arthur Schindelegger (Vienna University of Technology) organized a two-day regional workshop with international experts on the theme of Compensation mechanisms for flood storage in the province of Salzburg. By the example of two flood protection sites in Altenmarkt im Pongau and Mittersill, the […]

IWRA Webinar – N°15 broadcasted from LAND4FLOOD meeting in Riga

IWRA organised a webinar on “How Private Land Matters in Flood Risk Management” jointly with the LAND4FLOOD COST Action.  This webinar built on the IWRA’s Policy Brief authored by Professors Hartmann and Slavikova on How Private Land Matters in Flood Risk Management  produced in close collaboration with this same European initiative.  The event was live streamed from the EU COST […]

Jan in Wageningen

1st – 31st August 2018 Jan Macháč (Czech Republic) spent one month at the Wageningen university (the Netherlands) developing the experimental approach to flood protection using negotiation between upstream and downstream actors. The preliminary design of the experiment was supervised by Thomas Hartmann. Output: Abstract for the international conference Empowering Hydro-diplomacy (Hague, October 2018) was […]

Special Issue Land for Flood Risk Management

First Special Issue of the COST Action LAND4FLOOD has been published in the Journal of Flood Risk Management 11/1 (March 2018)! (here)   Content: Hartmann, T., Jílková, J., Schanze, J.: Land for flood risk management: A catchment‐wide and cross‐disciplinary perspective. DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12344 (available here).   Bornschein, A., Pohl, R.: Land use influence on flood routing and retention from the […]

Aleksa on Iceland

1st – 28th February 2018 Aleksa Lipovac (Serbia) visited the Reykjavik University (Iceland) to continue in the research on natural water retention measure potential started by Alexandra. He cooperated with David C. Finger and Guðmundur Halldórsson, member of The Soil Conservation Service of Iceland. Output: Paper on  Flood Retention on Private Land in Iceland will be presented […]