WG3 Stakeholders and interests

The aim of this WG aims is to study the lines of communication between different types of upstream and downstream landowners and develop typologies which support the mobilization of private land for flood risk management. Successful programs of measures to enhance flood retention capacities and reduce downstream flood risks are not only hampered by the […]

WG2 Socio-political contexts

Increasing the flood risk management capacities of river catchments demands a better understanding of the socio-political contexts that determine the opportunities and limitations to provide land for flooding. Despite the strong public interest to increase the capacities of land for managing flooding i.e. in order to better protect settlements and economic assets, surprisingly little is […]

WG1 Environmental conditions

A comprehensive understanding of the effects of land use and land management on local and catchment-scale hydrology is needed to support programs of measures, which make use of private land to reduce downstream flood risk. The hydrologic and hydraulic expertise underlying grey infrastructure solutions for local-scale flood risk reduction is thoroughly documented and well understood. […]

Join Us

Are you interested in joining us? The COST Action LAND4FLOOD ended successfully in March 2022. To continue networking activities it has been turned into new a IWRA Task Force, LAND4FLOOD. Learn more about the goals and organization of the Tack Force here. If you are interested in joining the Task Force,  send your CV and motivation to the office@iwra.org with […]


Contact Write us on info[at]land4flood.eu. If you are interested in joining the group follow the instructions provided HERE.  


LAND4FLOOD built on the activities of the group of researchers and practitioners called FLOODLAND. It was launched in 2014 under the umbrella of the small networking project financed by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. It has organized 4 workshops in Usti nad Labem, Utrecht and Decin. It has started developing joint publication […]


LAND4FLOOD: Natural Flood Retention on Private Land (CA16209) Climate change increases the frequency and intensity of future flood events, leading to higher costs of flood damages and increasing the public demand for protective measures. Traditional flood protection measures, mainly based on grey infrastructure (i.e. dikes, dams, etc), are not sufficient to cope with dynamic flood […]

Working Groups

LAND4FLOOD activities are organized according to three Working Groups: WG1 Environmental conditions The effects of land on catchment hydrology A comprehensive understanding of the effects of land use and land management on local and catchment-scale hydrology is needed to support programs of measures, which make use of private land to reduce downstream flood risk. READ MORE […]