Paper: Flood legislation and land policy framework of EU and non-EU countries in Southern Europe

Title: Flood legislation and land policy framework of EU and non-EU countries in Southern Europe Abstract Floods are a widespread natural hazard affecting people and their assets in regions worldwide, including Southern Europe. Besides coastal floods, the Mediterranean region is highly prone to flash floods driven by short but intense precipitation events. With increasing flood risk […]

Paper: Effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions in Mitigating Flood Hazard in a Mediterranean PeriUrban Catchment

Title: Effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions in Mitigating Flood Hazard in a Mediterranean PeriUrban Catchment Abstract Urbanization alters natural hydrological processes and enhances runoff, which affects flood hazard. Interest in nature-based solutions (NBS) for sustainable mitigation and adaptation to urban floods is growing, but the magnitudes of NBS effects are still poorly investigated. This study explores the […]

Maria in Novi Sad (20 September – 1 October 2021)

Maria Viota (Spain) traveled to Serbia to explore the potentiality of urban green infrastructure (UGI), ecosystem services (ES) and nature-based solutions (NBS) in protecting cities, with an emphasis on urban planning. The attention of the mission was paid to the role of UGI in urban planning and its promising opportunities for facing many risks posed by […]

Jan in Budapest (13 – 29 September 2021)

Jan Brabec (Czechia) visited Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research at Corvinus University of Budapest to explore factors affecting Balkan farmers’ willingness to implement flood mitigation measures on private land and to purchase flood insurance products. Econometric modelling was run to test literature review variables. Results will be presented to the international audience and join paper will be […]

Marek in Lisboa (12 – 27 September 2021)

Marek Hekrle (Czechia) visited University of Lisbon in Portugal to work on comparison of economic assessments of nature-based solutions for flood protection in Czech Republic and Portugal. During the STSM, this joint paper was drafted in the form of outline and summary, titled ´Economic assessment of green roofs: A comparison between Czech and Portuguese methodological approaches´.

Paper: Impact of nature based solutions for flood risk management on soil and agricultural development – EU consideration and Serbian prospective

Title: Impact of nature based solutions for flood risk management on soil and agricultural development – EU consideration and Serbian prospective Abstract Throughout history, floods have played one of the most important roles in soil formation, maintenance and modification of soil fertility. Flooding of rivers left mud full of organic matter in the fields, salts were […]

Zuzana in Warsaw (30 August – 20 September 2021)

Zuzana Nemetova (Slovakia) cooperated with Prof. Kazimierz Banasik from Warsaw University of Life Sciences. They worked on mathematical modelling of soil degradation processes and evaluation of flood protection measures within the territory of Poland and the Slovak Republic. The results from EROSION-3D model consisted of map and tabular outputs reflecting various erosion and transport processes (amount […]

Paper: Understanding the role of policy frameworks in developing land degradation in stakeholders perception from a post-conflict perspective in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Title: Understanding the role of policy frameworks in developing land degradation in stakeholders perception from a post-conflict perspective in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is a developing country facing extensive land degradation. BiH exists as a decentralized state, where all land (e.g., agricultural and forest soils) and water resources are under exclusive jurisdiction of […]