
On 22 – 24 June 2021, 4th European Conference on Flood Risk Management took place virtually. LAND4FLOOD COST Action hosted special session: Coping with the challenges of using private land for flood water storage (with the support of Lenka Slavikova, Andras Kis, Piotr Matczak, Nejc Bezak and Gabor Ungvari).

Jesus in Malaga (17 May – 21 June 2021)

Jesus Rodrigo-Comino (Germany) spent more than one month working with Jose Maria Senciales Gonzales (Spain) aiming at comprehensive understanding of the role of land use on flood risk and the potential for enhancing retention capacity for different spatial scales ranging from individual property parcels to large catchments. The goal of the mission is to publish the […]

Carla in Stockholm (4 – 11 May 2021)

Carla S. Ferreira (Portugal) visited Zahra Kalantari (Sweden) to investigate how projected runoff affected by the climate change will affect flood hazard in the Mediterranean region. The duration of the mission was affected negatively by the COVID pandemics, but draft paper was finished virtually.

Francesca working virtually (16 February – 18 March 2021)

Francesca Ciampa (Italy) cooperated with Carla S. Ferreira (Portugal) virtually as the STSM was not possible to undertake in other way than due to COVID pandemics. The topic of the mission was Stakeholders engagement between retention flood strategies and life cycle of anti-flooding technology solutions. The output of the mission is the joint paper titled “Flood Mitigation […]

Paper: Strategic use of instruments of land policy for mobilising private land for flood risk management

Title: Strategic use of instruments of land policy for mobilising private land for flood risk management Full citation: Löschner L., Hartmann T., Priest S., Collentine D. STRATEGIC USE OF INSTRUMENTS OF LAND POLICY FOR MOBILISING PRIVATE LAND FOR FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT. Environmental Science & Policy. 2021, Volume 118, pages 45-48. Full text available here

Paper: Land for flood risk management—Instruments and strategies of land management for polders and dike relocations in Germany

Title: Land for flood risk management—Instruments and strategies of land management for polders and dike relocations in Germany Abstract Like many other countries, Germany aims to create flood retention areas via polders and dike relocations. As these measures require access to diverse plots, land acquisition is clearly a challenging task for the responsible water authorities. A […]

Paper: Flood prevention in Serbia and legal challenges in obtaining the land for flood risk management

Title: Flood prevention in Serbia and legal challenges in obtaining the land for flood risk management Abstract Serbia suffered severe flood events in May 2014, which affected 1.6 million people. The Government declared a state of emergency for the territory of the whole country. The total value of the disaster was 1.7 billion Euros. Traditional flood […]