Paper: Paradoxes of financial schemes for resilient flood recovery of households

Title: Paradoxes of financial schemes for resilient flood recovery of households Abstract Flood resilience (resilient flood risk management), which has been repeatedly demanded, can be achieved through the phases of the risk management cycle. There is a vast body of literature on adaptation, disaster risk reduction measures, and effectiveness of prevention, seen through the lens of […]

Paper: Short-Term Impact of Tillage on Soil and the Hydrological Response within a Fig (Ficus Carica) Orchard in Croatia

Title: Short-Term of Tillage on Soil and the Hydrological Response within a Fig (Ficus Carica) Orchard in Croatia Abstract Tillage is well known to have impacts on soil properties and hydrological responses. This work aims to study the short-term impacts of tillage (0–3 months) on soil and hydrological responses in fig orchards located in Croatia. […]

Paper: River flooding risk prevention: A cooperative game theory approach

Title: River flooding risk prevention: A cooperative game theory approach Abstract Socio-economic development combined with changing hydrological factors represents a challenge for extending flood protection. In particular, land owners should be encouraged to use their land in a way that improves its water retention capacity. However, problems of fairness may arise because a landowner can benefit […]

VIDEO: Natural retention on private land in Nepal

An achievement of the Czech funded side-project focused on flood risk management in Nepal. The overall Land4Flood project aims to improve the organization of natural flood retention measures using systemic approach, including nature-based, technical, organizational and socioeconomic aspects of flood risk management at private land. The side-project in Nepal aims at building a communication platform […]

Michal in Brno (24 – 31 August 2020)

Michal Pástor (Slovakia) visited Global Change Research Institute CAS in Brno, Czechia. Together with Jiri Jakubinsky they worked on the synthesis of the current knowledge to characterize the status of floodplain ecosystems, their main stressors and management responses across Europe. The output of the STSM will be join paper titled: Floodplain management as a tool […]

Paper: Understanding the role of policy frameworks on land degradation in stakeholders perception from a Post‐Conflict perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Title: Understanding the role of policy frameworks on land degradation in stakeholders perception from a Post‐Conflict perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina Abstract Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is a developing country facing extensive land degradation. BIH exists as a decentralized state, where all land (e.g agricultural and forest soils) and water resources are under exclusive jurisdiction […]

Paper: Expectations, disappointments, and individual responses: Imbalances in multilevel flood risk governance revealed by public survey

Title: Expectations, disappointments, and individual responses: Imbalances in multilevel flood risk governance revealed by public survey Abstract The recent paradigm shift towards multilevel flood risk governance has raised discussions about the potential of different entities to undertake specific flood risk management (FRM) measures and about the effects of their efforts on other governance levels. Among […]